Wellness by Design

Consult and Programs

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Courses and Programs

Practical tools to promote physical and emotional well-being through conscious choices, cultivating the mind-body connection.

Hormonal health

Are you struggling with stress and hormonal problems? Do you feel like you need to detox and restore your body and mind? Return BALANCE to your body naturally. Learn, analyze and create your path from “cells to your soul” in this 4 week program.

Calm your mind

Course to understand your mind and the relationship it has with stress, your health and emotions. Learn techniques of Mindfulness and Meditate so that your mind works in your favor. You can train your mind to benefit your body, your habits and emotions!

The art of breathing

Taking the time to BREATHE is the main source of energy and balance in all aspects of your life. These sessions will take you through ancient wisdom and modern science to provide you with the principles of breath control. Simple but efficient techniques that will empower your mind and body.


“Creating nutritious lives”
Identifies, eliminates and replaces the physical, mental and emotional toxins that affect your balance and general health. Restoring and healing is a personal practice and having the essential tools and strategies will empower you! Take this 4-week challenge that will change your health.

Ageless attitude

Do you know that changes are happening but you are not clear about what to do? Middle age, commonly defined as the 40s to 60s, represents a time of significant physical and mental change that, if identified and nurtured, will help you live your life to the fullest!

Stress and food

What is stress? Why does it affect your weight, digestion and “gut health”? A guide to nourishing your digestion and understanding how we block our natural detoxification systems.


Do you want to have a better lifestyle and help those around you? Be the change you want so much and support your family and community by learning to create nutritious lives in body and mind! Get certified as a Coach in Mindfoodness.

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